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Monday, July 4, 2011

A representative democracy

Today a very dear friend from Michigan sent me a copy of a letter to his Congressman. It is fitting that it was sent on the 4th as the right to free speech is fundamental to our very foundation. Hopefully his Representative will listen even though it seems it is politically correct nowadays to tear down any safety net put in place to protect the middle (working) class. To be honest, at times it seems we have traded one form of tyranny (the King) for another (corporations). The letter follows;

Re: Congressman Bill Huizenga's statement on Budget and Spending

 "Yet the U.S. is in the red for $14,000,000,000,000 - yes, that's 12 zeroes in one trillion dollars. Our nation's long-term deficit and current national debt level is both unfathomable and unsustainable.  We simply must change the trajectory of spending in Washington. In the short-term, Congress can begin immediately by enacting sensible cost-cutting measures and eliminating wasteful and duplicative federal programs. In order to prevent crippling deficits and debt over the long-term, federal entitlement programs must be reformed in a way that protects current beneficiaries and allows current workers to enjoy a safe and stable retirement. We must restore fiscal sanity."

"As a matter of principle, taxpayers must have the right to a federal government that does not grow beyond their ability to pay for it and the right to expect a balanced federal budget. And Congress must create an atmosphere in our country that will foster job growth."

Social Security is not responsible for one penny of the deficit. By law, Social Security cannot barrow money to fund its operations and operates very efficiently from its own revenues. My question to you is, why you feel that Social Security is such a big fiscal problem that it has to be dealt with so urgently? Perhaps it is the projected growth balance of $3.67 trillion by the year 2022. That sure would make a tempting Congressional gift to a handful of Wall Street Execs for their next round of bonuses rewarding them for their fiscal failures. Or some Mega-Corporation could use it to build new factories in some foreign country and market their products "Tariff Free" in the United States.

The United States has given away billions in aid to many of the richest foreign countries in the world. Countries that hold trillions of dollars in US Treasury Bonds. The list includes; Mexico $316.7 million, Columbia $461.2 million, Egypt $255.7 million, Philippines $128.2 million, India $126.6 million, Brazil $25 million, China $27.2 million, Russia $71.5 million, Thailand $16.75 million.

In 2010 the Defense Department reported that a little over $9 billion was un-accounted for in Iraq. This is obvious mismanagement and complete lack of accountability on the part of government. This money was earmarked for re-construction. Billions for re-construction in Iraq while the infrastructure in the United States continues to deteriorate for lack of funds……………..I see no evidence of responsible government in this policy.

Now it would seem, from what I have read in your budget statement, that your solution to this blatant wasteful spending is to cut what you refer to as "Entitlement Programs" that were instituted to serve and assist the people of the United States. You know, the working folks that built this country in the first place.

"We The People" have a right to a Government that represents the interests of all the citizens of The United States, not just the largest campaign donors, mega corporations, special interest groups, or foreign nations.

It is generally understood by most of the citizens of this country that the "Super Rich" corporations and financial institution and their lobbyists wield the power to influence government and in so doing, control the destiny of the nation. With this in mind, I write this, not expecting change or even acknowledgement that what I have written is accurate. I write this as a reminder those individuals in government that are not responsive to the needs and welfare of its citizens and not mindful of the phrase "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed…………….." (2nd paragraph, Declaration of Independence) will not succeed.

What most Americans know is, our nation's wealth has been squandered on Wall Street bailouts, millions of our jobs have been moved overseas, a practice that remains un-challenged by our government. The cost of health insurance will soon be out of reach for many more millions of Americans, and now it appears that Social Security and Medicare are the targets for "Reform". Reform meaning that the financial resources from these programs will be shifted to the private sector elite in the form of obscene profits, bonuses for CEOs and other forms of subsidy's for the corporate aristocracy while the people that have supported these programs will have to carry more of the financial burden. The American people are now becoming fully aware of the fact that our way of life and standard of living is in danger of disappearing for present and future generations.

I am encouraged by the fact that the "Spirit" of America is alive and strong and that "We the People" will not stand idly by and see our country further diminished and her citizens indentured to the corporate elite. We live in a Representative Democracy and I believe that now, in view of all the negatives in our economy, the people are more determined than ever to take a pro-active part in the careful selection of their representatives at all levels of government. We will not "go quietly into the night" and allow our freedoms and way of life to be handed over to the corporate elite, the Wall Street bankers, or the Washington lobbyists. We read, understand, and most important of all, we vote.