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Sunday, June 26, 2011


This week I am attending the 28th Convention of the Teamsters as an elected delegate from Local 210. I will try to give updates as the Convention progresses but I will at least make a final report after its adjournment.

I look forward to this process which will nominate candidates to run for all positions of the General Executive Board. Each nominee will then be elected by the membership this fall.

EDIT: Here is the press release from the IBT on the opening of the convention. There have been several interesting aspects but one that really impressed me was the serious work being done with Unions around the globe. These Unions are thinking strategically about globalization and how best to use their respective resources to combat the world wide war on workers.

EDIT 2: The current election results can be followed here and clicking the "What's new" link

Final EDIT: Here are the results of the delegate votes for General President and General Secretary Treasurer; In order to be considered on the ballot for either position, a candidate was required to receive five percent, or 81 of the available votes. The voting for General President yielded three candidates; James P. Hoffa (1,326 votes), Sandy Pope (137 votes) and Fred Gegare (141 votes).
The balloting for the office of General Secretary/Treasurer also yielded three candidates; Ken Hall (1,269 votes), Jim Sheard (156 votes) and Gary Marquart (143 votes). In addition George Miranda our Principal Officer was nominated for and received over 1300 votes for Vice President at Large. All results can be found here and clicking on "Whats New". More information on voting will be conveyed to the membership prior to the vote, which is scheduled for later this year.