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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I received an email last night from David Sulewski regarding what's happening in Wisconsin in specific and the country in general. For those that don't remember David, he is a retired UA fleet service worker out of IAD by way of CLE, and a dedicated trade unionist. The email follows;

"Many of our recently elected officials, when asked to explain their proposed budget cuts, (which to many seem excessive and un-reasonable) answer, "This is what my constituents elected me to do".

In taking such an arrogant and shortsighted stance they have, in effect, eliminated any possibility of negotiation and completely ruled out compromise, as a means of reaching a more equitable and sustainable plan that will negatively affect the least amount of people. Many of our elected officials seem more intent on discrediting the opposition party and advancing the agenda of their major campaign contributors then representing the people.

I, for one, disagree with their idea of why they were elected. I feel that the people elected them to office to restore responsible government for the benefit of all the people. I am sure that tax breaks for mega corporations and the richest one percent of the population at the expense of the rest of the country is not what their "constituents" consider responsible government.

In the second paragraph of the Declaration Of Independence can be found the sentence that best describes the foundation for the type of government that was to be established in our new nation. "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the Consent of the Governed……………".


Thank you for sending this David.

It appears that labor is not going quietly into the night in Wisconsin, and for good reason. As workers we should keep a close eye on this fight and support our northern Brothers and Sisters in any way we can.