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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Merger rumors

EDIT: It looks like there will be several of these articles over the next week with a possible deal announced soon. Rather than adding new posts for each article if I find a good one I'll add it to this post

An interesting overview here 4/30

Has this merger been in the cards for some time? Here is an intersting timeline from Morningstar. 4/30

The Tribune also reporting a predicted Monday announcement. link 4/29

According to the Wall Street Journal price has been agreed to at a rate of 1.057 shares to 1. Here is the link. 4/29

I've been speculating if an agreement is reached, an announcement would come Sunday evening, but according to Reuters a deal could be announced as early as Friday. Here is the link. 4/28

Continental Board in 'Positive' Talks With UAL: Report 4/28 More from Bloomberg here. 4/28. Looks like an announcement possibly over the weekend according to a "source".

Continental board to consider merger with United, here is the link. 4/27

It looks like a deal may be announced soon. Here is the link. 4/27

The hidden costs of a merger? Here is a report that United could be subject to a 500 million dollar penalty to the PBGC if the merger goes through. 4/26 EDIT: It appears this would be two 68 million dollar notes with 8% interest to be paid over fifteen years. If not paid off early it could add up to 500 million dollars.

For a little more detailed and rational look at the snag here is an article from Bloomberg. 4/26

The talks appear to have hit a snag over the stock pricing formula. Here is the article 4/25. At stake for either side is about 200 million dollars. Here is a little more detailed article on the matter.

Different perspective; JPMorgan analyst Jamie Baker now drops the odds to 40% that a deal will occur this year. Here is the article. And here is one posted on Reuters today 4/25 along the same lines. Of course these analysts discount the fact that if CAL jumps out of bed, more than likely USAir will be right back in the mix.

Here is an interesting comparison showing the current data of DAL, UA, and CAL. It is not new information, but the combination of UA/CAL would result in the country's largest airline.

Looks like things are progressing quickly with CAL. Here is the article.

Headquarters operations to be potentially split between ORD and IAH, article here.

Here is an article from Bloomberg sent to me by Allen Cosides from NY.

Feelings from the Houston Chronicle on the tie up can be found here.

Thoughts from Cleveland can be found here. Workers as well as the community fear reductions from this hub.