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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Weekly report 3-9-10

General Information

I stopped by the AFA office on Monday, and the AFA has invited us to participate in an informational picketing regarding outsourcing. This event is being put together by both ALPA and the AFA to protest the Company's deal with Aer Lingus, and they are requesting the participation of all Unions on the property. The picketing will be on March 28th from 2 to 4pm. With both the pilot and flight attendant groups participating, there is sure to be wide coverage from the media. We've been affected by outsourcing more than any group at the Company, and this would be a good opportunity to express our concerns to the news crews that are present. This brings to mind the Chinese proverb; the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The latest negotiation update can be found by following the link at the top of the page.

There will be two Joint Board sessions this month as we were unable to schedule one in February. I will be leaving tomorrow for the session in San Francisco. The next session will be next week in Chicago. I am hopeful that we can resolve several of our outstanding third steps prior to, or during the Chicago session.


The Company has expressed a willingness to negotiate a formalized set of local overtime rules. The Company wants to institute some form of sign up list, and it is my desire to achieve clarity and transparency. I say this because the Company follows some of the previous rules but not others and this creates confusion. A couple of members that came down from New York had a great idea regarding transparency by providing access to call sheets, and it is my goal to include their idea in the rules. The previous rules can be found here.


There has been no grievance activity in the shop lately.


There are a few grievances that I am working on with Brandon and I'll keep you posted as to their disposition.

That's all for now,
