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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly report 11-15-09

General Items

There was no report last week. I refrained from writing last week's report for several reasons, the most notable of which was the Company's decision to send out RFP's (requests for proposals) on the GQ shops in IAD and SFO. I felt it would be better to express my opinion about this when I was calmer so that I would not hinder the efforts of the IBT Leadership in this matter. I expressed my position to our Leadership in Chicago and they not only understood, but were already working towards a solution. Now the regular weekly report follows.

There were a couple of interesting articles out this week. Two of those articles were previously posted on the blog, and two more were forwarded from Jock Creach and Dave Saucedo in Seattle. The latter two articles deal with Secretary Lahood's meetings with representatives from Airlines, Unions and Manufacturers regarding a plan to help save the airline industry and this meeting was requested by big labor in the country including the IBT. Here is a link to the first article. After reading this scroll down to a comment from Michael H. and read his post. His response was well thought out in my opinion. The next article can be found here and it deals with the same meeting. Secretary LaHood's reaction at the end does not leave the impression that he is in favor of re-regulating the airline industry. The previously posted articles deal with the ICE (InterContinental Exchange) and how oil prices continue to be manipulated and an article on the proposed BA-Iberia merger. Scroll down to find those articles.

The first Joint Board of Adjustment will be held on December 1st in San Francisco. Dulles currently has eight outstanding third steps waiting to be heard. As reported in the latest SFO Business Agents report I will be sitting on the Board. I am very honored that Clacy asked me to participate in this process and I look forward to working on the clearing of our grievance backlog.

As for negotiations, the parties have agreed to accelerate the process. Please follow the link at the top of the page to get the full details from the latest session.

For those that feel an overhaul in the health care delivery system is not needed I wish you could have listened to the presentation by the Company and its vendors on their healthcare proposal. All companies are expecting at least seven percentage points increase in annual premiums for the foreseeable future according to one speaker. The speaker pointed out however, that rate increase may be a conservative estimate. It's said in polls that most are happy with their current coverage, but I wonder how happy are they about the premiums and other related expenses they pay? For me, I can answer not very happy at all.


Over the past two weeks several things have occurred. The issue affecting most members was the re-establishment of the ten hour schedule for the Cabin Crew. Not everyone was able to get the ten hour schedule on midnights however due to the heavy bidding by the swing shift group to these open slots. The result was about five people were left on the eight hour midnight schedule. I have talked to a few of you regarding possible changes in shift and RDO assignments and I will bring this up on Monday when I meet with Ron.

Larry Calhoun, Coordinator from JFK, provided me with several previously answered grievances for members that bumped into IAD. The reason for this was to keep an historical record for these members. There has already been one grievance identified that was sustained but the Company never acted upon the decision.

On Tuesday there will be an IRH for an accident that occurred recently. I feel the Union has a good case and I will report back on this matter after the decision. As an aside please be careful out on the ramp. While there were many mitigating factors, including poor equipment that led up to this accident, the bottom line is I would like to see you all go home alive and in one piece.

As for the grievance involving the exercise of seniority while not having a current A&P license I discussed this with the negotiating committee and there may be an old decision out of Denver that has bearing on this issue. When I receive the answer I will review it to decide if there is merit to proceed.

A grievance hearing was held last week for a return to a former classification within the ninety day trial period. I felt the Union had a good case and I expect an answer soon on this.

There will be no changes to the vacation rules this year except for the process of choosing within a specified time. This will make us more consistent with other hubs and finishing on time was the number one issue from the recent vacation rules online vote.


The big news is obvious. This was the most perverse interpretation of contract language that I have ever heard of. I am hopeful the IBT Leadership can come to meaningful resolution on this issue.


There is a meeting scheduled on Wednesday with the Manager to discuss open items in the shop. After the meeting I will report the results.

That's all for now,
