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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Weekly Report 2-28-09

This week I learned that laid-off service sector employees will be added to the TAA through the Stimulus Package. I contacted the Department of Labor regional office on Friday about this development. From what I have been told no rules are out on this yet, but it appears only people laid-off after May of this year, when the legislation goes into effect, will be eligible. In other words it most likely will not be retroactive. I am waiting on a return call from DOL in DC for clarification.

For members that are still looking for work Monster is holding a large job fair on March 9th in Crystal City. Here is a link to pre-register for the event.

The big Labor Unions are continuing to work towards unification.

For MM this week one second step was heard and two more were advanced for a total of three outstanding second steps. I'm still waiting on answers for several outstanding first steps. Regarding hangar news I'm told the company is working on the lease for the old ACA facility and we should know about the addition in 60 days. According to the Airline Division Week in Review the agreed upon expedited arbitration for the station closings will be heard in April.

For PV this week I was informed the Jetway floors will be done in-house. There was a discussion on lead assignments between the main and midfield terminal areas on the weekends. It is my opinion that the two areas are treated the same for purposes of upgrades. It should be done by seniority.

For both GQ and PV there is still no new news on the potential outsourcing at the nine stations. I do know the company is in the process of seeking bids from outside vendors. When I have more information I will pass it on.

Here is a youtube clip of Mayor Virg Bernero on Fox News with Gregg Jarrett. This guy gets the middle class and I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

There is an RLA page on the website now.

That's all for this week,